If you have ever experienced chronic or recurring pain, you know how frustrating it can be. In such a scenario, you can try full-body chiropractic adjustment for holistic and non-invasive pain relief. It relieves discomfort from injury or overuse and has long-term benefits like better organ function, blood flow, and joint flexibility. Whether it's a headache, neck pain, back pain, or any other discomfort, scheduling a visit to the chiropractor could be well worth your time.

How Is a Full Body Chiropractic Adjustment Done?

A total body adjustment is done by manually manipulating the body through different techniques. Some use instruments like drop-piece tables, and others occur through a controlled application of sudden force. Each method is used for a distinct type of relief. Your chiropractor will create a treatment plan to match the injury or pain relief goal. 

3 Most Common Total Body Techniques

Diversified Technique

The diversified technique is done for three reasons: spinal manipulation and alignment, mobility, and joint dysfunction. This complete body technique is used by 96% of chiropractors. Typically, it aims for lower back pain relief, joint stiffness, and issues with misaligned bones. This method falls under the manual manipulation category, as the only tools used are your chiropractor's hands.

Spinal Mobilization/Manipulation

Chiropractors often use spinal manipulation techniques to relieve pressure on the joints, improve the function of the nervous system, and reduce inflammation. This technique is similar to the diversified technique and involves gentle pressure applied by the chiropractor's hands to manipulate the spinal area, providing relief.

Drop-Table Technique

The drop piece table technique differs from other methods as it uses a technical instrument called a drop table to aid in adjusting. During this process, the patient lies on the platform face down. The table then "drops" a fraction of an inch as the chiropractor uses a sudden controlled force. This slight movement helps assist in the adjustment. Though it may sound aggressive, it is relaxing and does not cause any pain.

What To Expect From Your Appointment?

Though going in for a chiropractic appointment can feel intimidating, it doesn't need to be. Typically, your first meeting with a chiropractor will be a consultation. This is when you examine your pain, relief goals, and the advantages you hope to achieve from full-body adjustments. This will rely in part on the root of your pain. Possibly, you are undergoing acute pain from a sports injury or car accident or regular pain from years of overuse. 

Once you and your chiropractor have examined the main point of pain you want to manage, you will receive a treatment plan. Typically, if you're new to a chiropractor, your first visits will be regular, and apply various techniques. This is done to check which methods work and which do not. Chiropractic adjustments should not drive you any pain. If exact techniques are uncomfortable, say them so they can adjust accordingly.

Long-Term Benefits of Full Body Adjustments

Complete body adjustments can have benefits that span far past pain relief in a singular area. The body is a tricky system in which each system depends on another. You can enhance multiple functions during your visit using a holistic, full-body method. Aside from pain ease and better alignment, chiropractic services can provide different long-term benefits. After participating in consecutive sessions, you may witness:

  • Better sleep due to lowered stress and anxiety
  • Reduced tension in stressed muscles
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Decrease in injuries due to increased joint flexibility
  • Tension headache and migraine relief
  • An overall increase in muscle flexibility
  • Less acid reflux or colic due to an improved brain and nerve connection

Will My First Chiropractic Treatment Hurt?

Your chiropractic treatment should not cause you pain. If you are already experiencing pain, there may be a discomfort when your chiropractor works on an injured or inflamed area. Before the adjustment, you must inform your chiropractor if you're already in pain. Your chiropractor may advise you to wait until you are healed or the inflammation has subsided before attempting chiropractic care. While this is not always necessary, it is a sensible precaution.

It's important to note that after a chiropractic session, most patients will only experience mild discomfort and a possible popping sensation as the spine and joints are realigned. Some soreness may be present, similar to the pain level experienced after a workout. However, this pain should never be unbearable or intense. You must contact your chiropractor immediately if you experience severe or extreme pain. 


Full-body chiropractic care presents an encompassing approach to health and wellness, aiming to address not just specific symptoms but the overall well-being of an individual. It seeks to restore balance, improve mobility, and alleviate discomfort across the entire body through adjustments and manipulations. Emphasizing the interconnectedness of various systems, this holistic practice fosters physical relief, contributes to mental clarity, and enhances overall vitality.

 However, individual experiences may vary, and consulting with a qualified chiropractor remains pivotal to understanding the personalized benefits and considerations of this comprehensive approach to healthcare.